Category: symposium

Extended Education Conference - World Education Research Association

Professionalism and professionalization in training of all-day school/after-school educators in different countries

Symposium nr. 1 Chairs: Marianne Schüpbach and Nanine Lilla Symposium abstract Extended education or out-of-school time programs,  such as afterschool programs in the United  States,Ganztagsschulen[all-day  schools]  in  Germany or fritidshem[school-age educare center]in  Sweden,  have grown steadily in recent years.  An increasing number  of programs are on offer, and more and more children and young people…
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Professionalising the Extended Education sector

Symposium nr. 2 Chair: Dr. Eva Kane, director of studies, section for Child and Youth Studies, School-age Educare. Stockholm University Discussant: Dr. Jennifer Cartmel, senior lecturer, Child Youth and Family Studies, School of Human Services and Social Work Griffith University, Australia RUSSIA: Professional Standards for the Extended Education Teachers: Russian Case -Roza A. Valeeva, D.Sc.,…
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Let our dreams come true – formal and informal learning, play and creativity in Reykjavík‘s Educational spaces

Chair: Fríða Bjarney Jónsdóttir Symposium nr. 4 –Fríða Bjarney Jónsdóttir, director of the Reykjavík Centre for Educational Innovation, Iceland Abstract In January 2017, Reykjavik’s city council launched an ambitious initiative to shape a vision for the future of educational development in the city, developing the Education Policy 2030 (City of Reykjavik, 2018).  The Educational Policy…
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Extended learning: Valuing equity, access, inclusion, and authentic youth engagement

Symposium nr. 5 Chair: Helen Janc Malone The value of equity and access in out-of-school time -Dr. Femi Vance, Researcher, Youth, Family, And Community Development, American Institutes for Research, USA and Dr. Suzanne Stolz, Assistant Professor, Learning and Teaching, University of San Diego, USA Abstract A foundational tenet of the OST field is that all…
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Children’s voices and perspectives in research in the field of Extended Education

Symposium nr. 3 Chairs: Helene Elvstrand and Bruce Hurst Honouring children’s right to a voice and the right to play in research: Contesting and constructing the boundaries of research and play in Australian extended education settings –Bruce Hurst, PhD, research fellow, University of Melbourne, Australia Abstract Participatory research methods seek to give greater involvement to…
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