Factors for high-quality schools with an extended day structure. A qualitative study of good practice
-Falk Radisch, Prof. Dr., University of Rostock, Germany
At the beginning of the century only 15 % of German schools had an extended day structure. In 2015 the percentage has grown up to nearly 65 % (KMK, 2008, 2018). But however, connected with that high speed of progress and the main structure of the German school system as a decentral federal system, the conceptual meaning of extended-day-structures at schools is mostly vague. For that, the main goal of the presented study was to identify characteristics of high-quality schools with an extended-day-structure as well as to describe general requirements for working as a high-quality school. The study was conducted as a qualitative study under the “best-practice-approach” by a team around Prof. Tillmann (Berlin), Prof. Klemm (Essen) and Prof. Radisch (Rostock). We interviewed the principals of 10 schools with an extended-day-structure that has been decorated within one of two german school-contests – either the “Deutscher Schulpreis” (Beutel, Höhmann, & Schratz, 2016) or the “Jakob-Muth-Preis” (Bertelsmann-Stiftung, 2016). The Juries has certified, that these schools are working very well. The practical knowledge of these ten prize-winning schools were systematically and focussed recorded and summarized by the project to insights about the quality and quality-management of schools with an extended-day-structure. A second scope of the project was to identify directions for the further development of experienced and newly established schools with an extended-day-structure. The study follows a three-steps-plan: At first the school’s principals were interviewed for the essential quality-issues of the extended-day-structure that may have an effect on student’s (successful) learning.
Extended education workforce in Switzerland: how personal and structural characteristics influence job demands and resources
-Regula Windlinger
Extended education services in Switzerland are workplaces of teachers and other educational staff. These workplaces are very diverse in terms of their structural characteristics (e.g. the extent of services offered, opening hours, employment conditions, infrastructure etc.). Even though we know that staff are very important for the quality of these services, little is known about characteristics of the staff and their working conditions. This contribution focuses on employees and leaders in extended education services in three Swiss cantons and explores how personal and structural characteristics are related to the experienced levels of job demands (such as time pressure or emotional distress) and resources (such as social support or skill variety). Data stems from a stratified sample of leaders and employees in extended education services in three Swiss cantons. 114 leaders and 655 staff from 114 extended education services completed questionnaires which contained established scales to assess personal characteristics, structural characteristics and job demands and resources. Data was analysed with multilevel regression models in Mplus. Results show that the workforce in extended education services is very heterogenous regarding their personal characteristics. Similarly, there is a variety in the characteristics of the services and working conditions. We will give an overview regarding which personal and structural characteristics influence job demands and resources. Overall, analyses show that structural characteristics are more important than personal characteristics in shaping demands and resources. Implications for the further development of these services are discussed.
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